
Adopting IoT-powered Gas Monitoring System: A Safe Industrial Measure

IoT oil and gas

Safety plays an important role in today’s world. Due to industrialization, accidents, hazardous events are susceptible to happen in any industry dealing with harmful gases or toxic substances. Therefore, many companies are looking forward to using smart systems to prevent such mishaps.

Tank farms are realistic examples where large quantities of fuel are stored. Accidents are likely to occur with even the slightest gas leak, resulting in huge losses. Therefore, companies are preferring a highly skilled and technical solution to detect the presence of harmful gases across the premises. The reason behind adopting a smart solution is to keep the employees and other people safe against sudden gas explosions.

IoT technology is booming in almost every industry. Specifically, gas industry is using many of its applications and innovative solutions to improve their workability. Implementing a smart gas monitoring solution detects the presence of different kinds of gases and is also used for firefighting. Here are some distinctive aspects that make this solution unique and useful to install in multiple industries.

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Distinctive Aspects of Using a Smart Gas Monitoring System

  • •   One-stop solution
  • •   Prevents gas leakage
  • •   Improve asset efficiency
  • •   Increases ROI
  • •   Pocket-friendly budget
  • •   Includes advanced analytics
  • •   Detect gas concentrations
  • •   Real-time alerts about fluctuating temperature
  • •   Ensure worker safety

An IoT-powered gas monitoring system provides end-to-end services for better industrial growth. It delivers data-driven insights to optimize and control plant operations. The activated sensor devices continuously monitor the environment to identify any gas leakage. In case a leak is found, the sensors trigger the information through a communication channel on a user-friendly dashboard. This allows you to analyze the data and take immediate actions to ensure health safety.

Additionally, the smart system can be used to detect the levels of oxygen in a particular area. For instance, in places like mines, it helps maintain proper oxygen levels for the workers, which does not hamper their performance. Moreover, the solution generates alerts for the authorities regarding any decrease in the oxygen levels as soon as the incident takes place to prevent dizziness or any severe health issue in close-packed work facilities. It enables quick decision-making and allows the workers to evacuate the place quickly in case of emergencies. Here’s a brief on its working.

The Gas Monitoring System

The IoT powered gas monitoring is divided into 3 modules.

  • •   The sensor detecting the gas presence
  • •   Signals being sent to the ARM
  • •   Connected devices like exhausts, sprinklers are immediately activated

The installed sensors are activated through electricity or batteries, making them compatible with both of the power sources. The sensors automatically send the data, using multiple gateways, to the cloud platform. The data is then stored and converted into useful information for easy readability by the user. It is then displayed on the IoT dashboard which can be accessed through a smartphone or any gadget for further analysis.

The IoT-powered gas monitoring system is easy-to-install and can be customized as per your requirements. It can also control operations remotely and optimize industrial performance to a greater extent. You can avail immense benefits of installing this solution as it is bundled with quality hardware and software capabilities, which facilitate long-lasting performance.

Distinct Applications: Where can you use this System?

  • Flammable Gas Monitoring

    Flammable gases and vapors exposed in the air are the major cause of explosions, which can also impose death threats or huge property damage. The automated solution is effective enough to detect gases like hydrogen, acetylene, oxygen, methane, etc. if present unknowingly keeping the workers safe against fires. Also, the solution generates actionable insights for improved decision-making. It is well-equipped with gas sensors, analyzers that provide real-time monitoring of the gases. You can install this solution to improve business productivity through smart gas detection techniques, which also help in enhancing the asset performance with early detection of any damage due to gas explosions.

  • Toxic Gas Monitoring

    Toxic gases like sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and inert gases are most commonly found in industries. Even at a lower concentration, these gases are life-threatening for industrial workers. Therefore, implementing a smart gas monitoring system becomes an essential move towards improvement in industrial performance. Such gases can be present in a refinery, petrochemical industry, parking lots, and other similar areas. Any spark or ignition can explode the premises which can result in huge losses. Therefore, detecting their presence through a smart system can prove to be the most effective approach in maintaining the overall productivity.

    You can scale-up your business by using a smart gas monitoring solution to resolve several issues related to gas leaks. Many industries are already using this solution to empower themselves as business leaders. The solution comprises durable hardware that delivers long-lasting performance and satisfactory results. As an industrialist and concerning the safety of your employees, you can also transform your existing business model by installing an IoT-powered solution .