The Internet of Things technology is an advanced concept, which is uplifting the industries with its amazing techniques. Researchers have found that there’ll be trillions of devices that will be connected to the internet in the coming times, and industries are going to make the most out of it. With the use of IoT-based solutions, businesses are flourishing to their best versions, thereby increasing productivity. In addition, there has been an exponential increase in customer satisfaction as the services have become more quality-based along with quantity. But how are different sectors making it possible? Let’s understand!
When the production quality is taken into consideration, it becomes mandatory to keep a close check on the equipment and tools being used in the industry. Moreover, it is quite challenging for the managers if multiple tools are being used. But if these pieces of machinery are inter-connected through an architectural system like IoT technology, the process would become quite simplified. Managers can then work upon a great business strategy based on the extracted data and make better decisions.
Various industries use a different set of equipment, which can be monitored in real-time with the help of advanced sensor devices and gateways. It is known as condition monitoring, where IoT connectivity enables live analysis to improve the machines’ performance with constant data extraction and report generation. It is the kind used by almost every industry to date. Here’s how IIoT is transforming Condition Monitoring for different industries:
• Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry uses countless pieces of equipment, both heavy and light, which require timely checks and monitoring. With the help of sensor-based connectivity, IoT technology is bringing a boom in the manufacturing industry as it makes it easier for managers to increase manufacturing uptime. This ensures better efficiency and asset health, followed by perks like instant decision-making and progress towards a better future. The manufacturing sector is adopting modern technology like IoT to monitor machine health and connect critical equipment to analyze machine vibration, noise, fuel utilization, etc. This enables the digital transformation of the entire industry, which contributes significantly to the specific needs of the industrial processes.
• Transportation Industry

The implementation of IoT technology in transportation is automating the industry with great advancements. From sensorizing the vehicle to smart contracts, everything is being digitized to enable progressive industrial growth. With about trillions of IoT devices interconnected with each other, the internet of things is indeed becoming the most useful technology in terms of data analytics, data visualization, simplified data format, automation, and others. The transportation industry includes various assets like vehicles, cargo, warehouses, etc., which require regular checks. Using a smart condition monitoring solution can prove effective in many ways. It offers real-time checks upon the tire pressure, fuel consumption practices, vehicle’s health, along with the route information for the driver. Moreover, with condition monitoring, the managers have better options to make decisions and provide detailed information about the cargo.
• Oil & Gas Industry

Adopting IoT-based solutions in the oil and gas industry primarily improves safety and amplifies profits at significant levels. Moreover, it greatly impacts the industrial processes with real-time asset tracking and predictive maintenance, providing detailed information in the most simplified visual ways. McKinsey reports also state that IoT will have a potential economic impact of approx. $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion by the end of the year 2025. With such a great economic impact, the oil and gas industry is all set to leverage IoT-based solutions for better growth. Also, there are great advantages of using an automated IoT powered condition monitoring in the O&G sector that allows digitization, effective optimization of processes and saves a lot of time and effort. This encourages the industrialists to transform their businesses onto an advanced platform and take a leap towards better prospects. Moreover, IoT condition monitoring in the petroleum sector offers better options to keep in sync with the required condition parameters like temperature and humidity, which cumulatively predict the health of the equipment.
• Power Industry

Condition monitoring is an advanced concept that uses IoT capabilities to offer businesses unique opportunities to assess the health of heavy machinery and other vital components without the need to schedule regular maintenance. This saves a lot of time for the managers and offers great services to stay updated all the time. Furthermore, IoT condition monitoring allows the managers to monitor the machinery while operating, thus reducing the downtime and ensuring quality work. Moreover, using an IoT-based condition monitoring solution for the power industry is an advanced method of preventing equipment failure and maximizing the uptime of Machines. Condition monitoring usually relies on visual data gathered from multiple sensors integrated within a software system that provide effective and accurate results.
• Beverage Industry

IoT in the beverage industry is moving ahead with the advancements in sensor devices and functionality. It is becoming the most popular technique to keep a real-time check on the level and volume of the beverage. Considering the use of huge containers and different sized tanks in the beverage businesses, industrialists seek a complete solution that determines the health condition of the equipment used in the industry. Thus, it helps the industries to stay competitive and produce quality foods. As condition monitoring is the process of analyzing the condition parameters in machinery, the beverage industry is adopting IoT-based condition monitoring to figure out the temperature, humidity, vibration, noise, and other factors that affect the machinery. This helps provide a clear picture of how the equipment is performing and where proper attention is required. In addition, IoT technology offers perks like custom report generation in a much-simplified format and the ability to share them with the concerned authorities easily with just a click.
So, we can say that IoTised condition monitoring is a huge part of industrial success as it involves great advancements and parameter checks that any industry would want to integrate. Also, it proves effective for real-time checks of the equipment to perform better analytics and make informed decisions much before the degrading of the equipment.