The world is exploring new dimensions of growth by every passing day. To uplift the global society, transportation has helped in leaps. Transportation manages to connect different and remote parts of the world with each other. The delicious pizza that one enjoys while watching the favorite TV show, gets timely delivered due to transportation. E-commerce is successful only because of transportation. Travelling with ease across the world to meet the loved ones happens through transportation. One can write volumes on how transportation has contributed to the global society. Similarly, the contribution of technology in transportation is immense. It is because of technology only, that we have on time scheduled flights, space shuttles, submarines, trucks, ships and other modes of transportation working properly.
There are different aspects of technology that has designed the society to be a better place. But none has been like the Internet of Things. It is the extension of internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. When translated into the everyday operations of transportation, it has solutions that can change the game for the transportation industry. Fleet Tracking System is one of the most effective solutions which can change the face of transportation almost overnight. How? Let us explore.
An IoT driven Fleet Tracking System helps in supervising the whereabouts of the fleet. Be it vehicles, cars, vans, bikes or any other. Location report is what one gets through this system. It has become crucial these days to have a fair idea of the fleet location. Why? This is because it:
1. Reduces cost-
Under the umbrella of IoT fleet management, fleet tracking systems aim at minimizing the costs in the overall process. This system pulls out fuel consumption information. Once the reports are analyzed, the fleet owners can eradicate the unnecessary activities which lead to the excessive cost. By monitoring the driver’s behavior, one can eliminate unwanted fuel wastage as well as bad driving behavior. Speeding, unnecessary break down times, subsequent fines, untimely breaks that lead to worse time management.
2. Corrects driver’s behavior-
No doubt it will be super beneficial to monitor a driver’s behavior. At times it happens that a driver runs the vehicle beyond the requirement of the business. Definitely it will save a lot of cost of the business. Along with this, this leaves a psychological effect on the driver and they perform better as they are aware that they are been monitored. Unwanted breaks get eliminated that contributes in better time management. This translates into on time delivery. This simply improves client relationships. Company policies could be made more stringent plus, honest and genuinely hardworking drivers could be rewarded.
3. Promotes customer satisfaction-
If you have home delivery services for food or anything where ‘prompt delivery’ is the hero service, then you are required to invest in this solution. The more punctual you are going to be, the more customer’s trust you are going to gain. Obviously you are going to work hard to maintain that trust. So, eventually, this will result in prominent customer satisfaction that will lead to customer loyalty.
4. Helps in the easy access of important data-

The Internet of Things derive data through monitors and sensors. These smart devices are situated in specific areas. Once the data is collected, it is sent to the cloud. This technology has user-oriented interfaces. This enables the users to access information and data from any computer and mobile phones. This helps in better fleet utilization as one can trace idle driver time. This motivates the fleet owners to utilize their manpower and their fleet in the best way possible.
5. Helps organization to fight competition better-
IoT is a boon. With GPS, a fleet can have unmatchable tracking capabilities that will generate customer satisfaction. Reduction of business operations cost will empower trade houses to give competitive price in the market. Price sensitive information could be derived that can formulate in better strategy formation.
6. Promotes safety-
The primary concern of traffic is congestion. In order to run past it, drivers speed up their vehicles. This happens with the driver’s hope to save time and find a parking spot as quickly as possible. This not only breeds noise pollution but also results in frequent road accidents. With fleet tracking system, it is possible for the fleet owners to trace the safest roads to approach reaching a destination. Be it for delivery of goods to the clients or for the general transport for the everyday use, fleet trackers make sure that the vehicles are going in the right direction through the safest of routes.

For the conclusion
IoT has made us realize that at every level of transportation, it provides improved communication, stronger safety, effective control and plausible data distribution. These vehicles can be a personal car, a taxi, a delivery truck, trains, flights and more. It extends through the entire system of transportation. Fuel consumption, traffic control, parking issues and some more are addressed on a daily basis through fleet tracking systems. IoT makes the current transportation deliver sophisticated integration and performance. There are specific solutions designed to tackle with different situations. Fleet tracking system is one of them. It helps in achieving complete control and harmony in the transportation industry. This serves in efficient management of the overall performance of the industry in an inexpensive and optimized way. This generates quality, optimizes transportation timing, responds to customers’ needs and more. Fleet tracking system indicates road accidents or any other type of mishap in real time. This not only saves time but also lives. Both the Oil & Gas Industry and Transportation Industry can invest in Fleet tracking. Plus, the regular vehicles too can invest in them for greater safety.