Various industries are now seeking technological solutions for better optimization in sales. Even the slightest technological advancement holds a tremendous business value in terms of trend analytics, smart management, automation, demand fulfilment, and many such aspects. The active installed bases of remotely operated industrial tanks are expected to grow at a CAGR of 35.5%, around 22.5 million units worldwide, in 2025.
Both large-scale and small-scale industries use different sized tanks to safely store their inventories. These tanks require frequent checks at the managerial end to analyze the inventory health in real-time. With the use of IoT sensors and gateway connectivity, the managers are enabled with the most required advancements and transformations in their business processing. The sensors are majorly used to extract relevant data and use it to frame insights for better business growth.
Biz4Intellia uses a team of tech professionals who specialize in IoT deployment, development, and customization according to business needs. It aims to serve the industries with the most appropriate solution to resolve everyday challenges and focus more on the growth graph. It creates smart solutions with the utmost concern of transforming businesses with automation and technological enhancements. Here’s how Biz4Intellia increases the sales of the industries:

- Custom branded solution
- Automated data pattern recognition
- Modular, scalable, and flexible
- End-to-end services
- Fast time to market
Biz4Intellia offers maximum flexibility and scalability to businesses, along with leveraging the best out of their services. For instance, most tank farms earlier used traditional equipment to keep up with the regular asset check, which caused unidentified errors. However, with the changing times, they seek a solution that can automatically identify and effectively analyze the problems to deliver productive insights. This improves business decisions and thus, increases industrial sales.
How do sales increase with IoT solutions added to tank manufacturing?

The Internet of Things provides tank manufacturers with better data exchange and connectivity with assets that positively affect business growth. With the installation of IoT sensors and gateways, it becomes easier to install data from the assets and extract the relevant information necessary for business decisions. The use of sensors, gateways, and smart dashboards plays a major role in enabling managers with suggestive strategies for their business plans.
1) IoT Facilitates Real-time Insights
As the business world revolves around technology, IoT is gradually becoming necessary for every business. Though its implementation is still in its nascent stage, companies are already reaping its benefits in the tank manufacturing sector. IoT provides real-time insights and updates on the operational activities of a business, thereby helping in increasing the sales figures by a great margin. With the use of data, the technology facilitates practical insights that prove beneficial at the time of decision-making.
2) Smart Supply Chain Management
With the advent of IoT (Internet of Things), the manufacturing industry is changing at a pace never seen before. One of the many benefits of this is the increasing popularity of the smart supply chain. Global markets are experiencing a surge in industrial sales with the execution of a smart supply chain network. Industrial production will likely continue to grow efficiently as the world becomes more technologically advanced. One way to boost your sales is by deploying a smart supply chain. With IoT-powered smart supply chain, your business can profit from smarter loading, unloading and transportation of goods.
3) Maintaining Business Growth
In 2020, the manufacturing sector had faced an incredible hit due to the pandemic and countless disruptions. Therefore, many tank manufacturers now seek a permanent solution that matches their standards and provides them with great inputs and outputs that also remains consistent in terms of business growth. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that creates a real-world impact on businesses, especially in manufacturing, through automated control of real-time checks, level monitoring, and volume monitoring. It is primarily concerned with connecting devices to the internet and providing a clearer picture to the managers about the entire plant process.
It is true that the manufacturing industry is in the middle of a digital transformation. More and more processes are automated, which has a significant impact on the way industrial tanks are being manufactured. The Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 is a part of the Internet of Things and are effectively changing the way businesses are run. Biz4Intellia is a smart solution provider for industrial tank manufacturers. They help companies that are not yet ready for Industry 4.0 to become competitive. They are a partner to companies that have already started their journey to Industry 4.0. They have solutions for all companies that want to be competitive in the future.