We, as humans acquire and assess knowledge. With the intention to polish that knowledge further, we require education. In the modern society, education plays the most vital role. Why? As it reinforces our ability to read, write and express ourselves. It also helps us in sharing our ideas, exchanging thoughts and interacting with people from distinct walks of life. Knowledge and IoT have a direct impact in the evolution of human beings along with the world we live in currently.
Education has been developed by significant measures over the past few years. The term ‘Education’ is not only limited to text books, but also is connected to the environment from where a child/individual is getting education from. Technology has helped tremendously in elevating the quality and ambience of ‘learning’. It is the technology that has introduced the digital form of reading and has helped in the successful implementation digital books in the classrooms. Technology and learning have made headway for the betterment of the Education sector. Hence, technology, in Education acts as a catalyst for learning.
A survey exactly says “In 2009, California passed a law requiring that all college textbooks be available in electronic form by 2020; in 2011, Florida lawmakers passed legislation requiring public schools to convert their textbooks to digital versions”. Technology is a huge concept in itself. One of the most impactful aspects of technology is IoT. It is the Internet of Things. IoT is the extension of the internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. This entire system concept is dotted with effective forms of hardware, electronics and internet connectivity. With the unbending support of IoT, the education sector has noticeably climbed the ladder of ascending success. If you are a principal and want to level up your institute, then explore the IoT applications in education one by one:
5 Application Of IoT in the Education Sector
1. Smart Boards

The times have changed. The current day students enjoy smart boards way more than black boards. Smart boards are interactive white boards that projects subject images. It enables the teachers and students to interact with it. How? By simply writing on it or moving it around the class. It is much more fun and exciting than it is seems at the moment. It is common to think whether smart boards have the ability to replace black boards in all means or not. The answer is ‘Yes’. Words and illustrated figures on a black board or text books, fall short at times to express the concept of a lesson in minute ways. Perception clashes become common and hence the classroom ends up in a pool of confusion. Here, applications of IoT in education have managed to make education and the exchange of information simple, interesting and interactive. With smart boards, a teacher can take a sigh of relief. Info graphics, tutorial videos and complex formulae, be it for any subject and especially of mathematics, could be solved in shorter time frames.
2. Attention to Attendance

Different education institutes have different set of rules. Some believe that a certain percentage of student attendance is mandatory for allowing them to take the examination. With IoT, the management can pull out accurate data of attendance. That data remains free from human error. Safety and quality of life through real time location of hostel living students could also be traced. For the management, it gets frustrating to calculate the attendance at times. With IoT based attendance system, calculating student attendance and generating regularity, punctuality and personality reports becomes effortless. The amount of time it saves will have a tremendous effect on employee satisfaction working for the institute. Additionally, with the intention to make students more regular to the classes, IoT in education made sure to digitally register the student’s attendance. If the student is missing anyhow from the institute, a quick electronic message will go to the parents. This is quite a laudable measure of safety that has been taken.
Also read: IoT Applications for the Healthcare Industry
3. Significant Safety

Emergency indicators, audio enhancers, Wi-Fi clocks and hearing impaired notifications are tangible forms that generate security. In any case there is a short circuit in the institute, the IoT sensors will immediately detect it and will send out an instant alert to reverse the situation. In case someone will get stuck in the lift, then also an ‘automated’ real time alert will be sent. On an environmental note, the significant impact of globalization could be seen in several forms on earth. The chances of earthquakes, sudden and fatal weather changes have become common. This is the reason why schools and other institutes of education are investing in IoT sensors and meters in order to call it a day or a holiday if any danger of a natural calamity gets detected.

4. Adjusting Disability

Few years back from the current time, it was exceptionally difficult for the disabled children to learn and reflect new things. With the modern technological designs, learning new things and performing just like any other abled student has become possible. There is a part of population that has challenges to the sense of hearing. They can seek help from a system of connected gloves and a tablet to generate verbal speech, translated from sign language. Its excellence in converting sound into written language is noteworthy. The world of disabled children is brighter just because IoT devices have taken the initiatives to provide educational assistance to the disabled children in a constructive way. This channelizes their intelligence and passion insignificant achievements.
5. Mobile Applications and Tablets

There must be a limit to the gadget usage of the millennial students. But, unfortunately, the lives of these modern student’s seem to revolve around smartphones, tablet and other screen oriented electronics. IoT experts have wonderfully shifted this excess focus on gadgets for gaming and social networking to educational themes. Now, connecting to individuals across the globe having similar goals and interests is now effortless. The sensors of the Internet of Things in education collect data and automatically suggest academic topics of interest to the students sitting on the other side of the screen. Smartphones and tablet usage has been made beneficial for the student’s grade almost overnight.
On a concluding note:
Technology can improve education more than hiring and spending on new staff for teaching services. There are several teachers and students who require technological support to unleash the talent they have in the field of education. IoT solutions for education, understand this and have come up with answers to enhance the quality of education across the globe. The scope that was once enjoyed by the healthy students is now equally distributed to the disabled students as well. The simplified expression of complex formulas, concept and theories is now a clear possibility. Classroom studies have now become fun, interesting and interactive. The IoT devices have actually managed to wonderfully balance modern day education in ways that ultimately uplift the global society as a whole. Education was never this accessible and interactive before. IoT in education is the future of academics in a gist.